When searching for a car, be sure you don't overlook the option of a certified pre-owned vehicle at your local dealership. These cars are typically much less expensive than brand new cars, but also offer several advantages over a typical used car you buy from an individual. Here are a few of the biggest reasons to buy a certified pre-owned car:
Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles Meet Certain Criteria
The criteria will vary a bit by dealership, but in general certified pre-owned cars have to meet higher standards than a typical used car. For example, many certified pre-owned vehicles will only have a modest number of miles, have passed a rigorous inspection, and in many cases will even still be under warranty. This means you get an almost-new car for a more reasonable price along with much of the peace of mind you'd have from buying a new car.
Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles Take Advantage of Depreciation
One of the realities of buying a new car is that it rapidly loses value beginning as soon as you drive it home. This is unfortunate when buying a brand new car, but works to your advantage when buying a pre-owned vehicle. Since a car that is gently used and was owned for a short time has lost so much of its value already, it will most likely be much easier on your wallet than a brand new car. At the same time, your certified pre-owned vehicle will still feel and drive like it's close to new, so you get the best of both worlds.
Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles Come with Warranties
Depending on the vehicle and the dealership's guidelines, your pre-owned vehicle will either still be under its original warranty or come with a new warranty just for pre-owned vehicles. This means you can rest easy knowing that if a part fails or something else goes wrong with your pre-owned vehicle, you will most likely be able to take it back to the dealership for a repair without having to pay anything out of pocket.
Just be sure to read the fine print before you sign a contract or complete your purchase. Warranties vary a great deal in length and comprehensiveness, so you want to make sure the warranty you're receiving is worthwhile.
As you can see, buying a certified pre-owned car offers unique advantages. Simply by focusing on certified pre-owned vehicles during your car search, you can enjoy these benefits for yourself.